Make your life 

 more brilliant 

關於我們  About Perfect Planet

Based on attention and respect to the modern lifestyle, Perfect Planet balances need with innovative product design, The results are reinvented products to render life fun, comfortable and able to create an emotional connection. We think that PP consumers are positive, optimistic and bold in trying new things. They pursue individuality and taste, have their own unique perspective on life, and desire to enjoy a quality of life that is in sync with the soul.

基於對現代生活方式的關注和尊重,Perfect Planet 以創新的產品設計平衡需求,結果是重新發明的產品,使生活變得有趣、舒適並能夠建立情感聯繫。 我們認為 PP 消費者積極、樂觀、大膽嘗試新事物。 他們追求個性和品味,有自己獨特的人生觀,渴望享受與靈魂同步的品質生活。

Quality, Function and Fashion are the best words to describe Perfect Planet. We focused our design efforts to reflect your life, taste and personality. When you buy from Perfect Planet, you are buying from a company with world class manufacturing facilities. Our products are responsibly produced to exacting standards in our own factories.

品質、功能和時尚是描述完美星球的最佳詞彙。 我們的設計重點是反映您的生活、品味和個性。 當您從 Perfect Planet 購買時,您購買的是一家擁有世界一流製造設施的公司。 我們的產品在我們自己的工廠按照嚴格的標準負責任地生產。

我們是誰 Who we are?

我們的團隊 Our Team

Perfect Planet employed household appliance designers and exclusive designer teams at home and abroad to create original and unique products with an international vision, and to maintain competitiveness with the latest products.

Perfect Planet 聘請國內外家電設計師和獨家設計師團隊,以國際視野打造原創獨特的產品,以最新產品保持競爭力。

Our Sales Team are dedicated to ensure constant communication throughout the whole production as well as provide any after sales assistance that you may require.











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地址 Address: 
香港 九龍                            
尖沙咀 山林道 23號

4樓 402 室

電話 Tel: 
+852 27306686
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Business Hours:

Mon - Fri : 9:00am - 5:30pm

Sat - Sun : Closed 

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